Chinese Government Scholarship Students


1. Scholarship Funding Standards

The Chinese Government Scholarship—full scholarship standards:

1) Exemption from registration fee and tuition fees

2) Free on-campus dormitory accommodation

3) Purchase of unified insurance for students in China

4) Students are required to cover the expenses for experiments or internships which exceed the training programs of HITSZ.

5) Monthly living allowance is granted to students at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month):

 Bachelor degree student: CNY 2,500 Yuan

 Master degree candidate: CNY 3,000 Yuan

 Doctoral degree candidate: CNY 3,500 Yuan


2. Scholarship Management

1) After registration at HITSZ, newly admitted CSC students should apply for a bank account at the Pingan Bank for receiving their living allowances, and provide the bank statement to International Office. If students fail to provide the documents, the allowance will be allotted in the following month.

2) For new semester registration, CSC students who register before (and on) the 15th will enjoy the whole amount of living allowances of that month; those who register after 15th will receive half.

3) The living allowances will be allotted monthly to the CSC students from the time of registration. The allowance will be allotted at the end of each month and cannot be get in advance. According to the regulations, CSC students should register in person at International Office from 1st to 10th every month. Students who fail to register will have their allowances suspended. During the holidays, living allowance will be allotted regularly.

4) CSC students will receive living allowances until their graduation date set by China Scholarship Council. For CSC students who suspend education for a leave of absence, reinstatement or withdrawal, the allowances will be terminated from the following month.

5) CSC students would be subsidized from the following month after moving out of campus. The subsidy standards are as follows (CNY Yuan per month):

 Bachelor degree student: CNY 700 Yuan/month

 Master degree candidate: CNY 700 Yuan/month

 PhD degree candidate: CNY 1,000 Yuan/month


3. Annual Review and Extension of the Scholarship

3.1 Scholarship Annual Review

According to the relevant regulations of China Scholarship Council, CSC students who study longer than one year should participate in the Chinese Government Scholarship Students Annual Review. The China Scholarship Council will make final decision whether the students' CSC scholarship should be continued or terminated.


Students who participate in the Chinese Government Scholarship Annual Review should login to Chinese Government Scholarship official website ( and fill in the Self-review within 2 days after received the notice.


3.2 Extension of CSC Scholarship

Students who want to extend their scholarship should report to both their school (department) and International Office, and submit their Chinese Government Scholarship Students Application Form for Extending Scholarship, Notice for CSC scholarship Extension for approval. The China Scholarship Council handles scholarship extensions only before April 30th every year.

Students, who cannot complete their study as required by CSC and lost their scholarship for further study, may continue their study on self-financed bases. Upon school approval, students need to pay for tuition (20% off for self-financed students), insurance and dormitory. With the approval of HITSZ, the extension period should be six months or one year. If students cannot graduate until the expiration of extension, they must pay for full tuition when applying for extension again.


4. Suspension, Resumption, and Violation

4.1 Suspension

(1) If CSC students need to suspend school because of illness, they should hand in official application, as well as relative certificate materials (e.g., The Inspection certificate of public hospital in Chinese or English) to their schools, Academic Affairs Office and International Office for approval.

(2) As for CSC students on authorized suspension, their scholarship qualifications would be suspended automatically from the date of suspending. According to regulations, students should return as soon as possible and the travel expenses should be covered by themselves. Scholarship qualifications would not be retained for suspending students with any reason except illness.

4.2 Resumption

Before the expiration of the suspension, scholarship students should submit applications for resumption, as well as other relevant materials (such as rehabilitation proof issued by hospital). After the resumption is approved, students’ scholarship term would be postponed automatically, but the postponement time limit should not exceed the term of suspension.

4.3 Canceling Scholarship

If any of the following circumstances happens, students’ qualification of Chinese Government Scholarship would be canceled for one year:

(1) Repetition or relegation due to failures in academic examinations;

(2) Not meeting required course credits for two consecutive years;

(3) Under detention

Once being disqualified from Chinese Government Scholarship; the student’s scholarship would be terminated from the next semester. However, students may apply to continue studies at HITSZ as self-financed or partially self-financed. If any of the following circumstances happens, the students’ qualification of Chinese Government Scholarship will be permanently canceled:

(1) Expulsion;

(2) Two failures in annual reviews during their studies at HITSZ

(3) Absence in the annual review without warrant;

Once being disqualified from Chinese Government Scholarship, the student’s scholarship will be terminated at once, and their qualification will not be recovered.


For more details, please see the Chinese Government Scholarship Management Manual.

The final interpretation rights belong to the International Office of Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen.



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